History and Development of the Board
HSNC Board where come to life………………………….
The history of institutions in the first few years of their inception are the most fascinating narratives, for they speak volumes for the times, the dynamics, the leadership and the people for whom they were built. One such history, unique and inspiring is the trajectory of the growth of Hyderabad (Sind) National Collegiate Board and its institutions.

A dream, a strategy, a hope and a changed political situation seem to have been the basic ingredients of what is today a reputed chain of well managed colleges. Hyderabad (Sind) National Collegiate Board (HSNCB) was first founded in Hyderabad Sind, now in Pakistan, in the year 1971. A college was established, with the blessings of Dr.Annie Besant, by the group of national minded theosophists, as a truly “National Institution” with its own aims and ideals for training and providing young persons, dedicated and inspired national workers in the sacred cause of the freedom of the country. In the year 1921, the management of the college was handed over to the Collegiate Board which then got affiliated to the University of Mumbai, then known as University of Bombay, as a full fledged college of B.A. Degree and subsequently B.Sc. Degree was added.

The college was named as Rishi Dayaram Gidumal College. In the next two decades, the HSNCB had expanded and built an additional wing to house a Commerce College. Then in 1947, partition of the sub-continent into India and Pakistan struck a cruel blow to any further consolidation in the field of higher education. K.M.Kundnani, then the newly appointed Principal of the College and as a man of infinite vision had begun to dream about the future of the college. To him “Hyderabad was the heart of Sind and his Colleges the heart of Hyderabad.” In the changing political scenario, laced with feelings of hatred, such sentiments did not hold good. It is troubled times that test the endurance as well as the limits of human ingenuity. The entire sub-continent was one of gloom and uncertainty. Principal K.M.Kundnani consoled his staff with the assurance that he was going to start a college in Bombay. Inspired by a new mission, guided by his pragmatic no-nonsense approach and sense of thrift, he shipped equipment, books and a prized chair, with the insignia of a college to Bombay. These three qualities that he was endowed with in good measure were to play a seminal role in the setting up of the Board College in future.

Principal Kundnani’s journey started from here to create another moment in History. His arrival in Bombay marked the turning point of the next chapter in the history of the HSNC Board. He was very much disillusioned and emotionally disturbed due to the partition of the country. Where there is a will there is a way! All noble intentions and deeds are supported by super-natural force which controls the Universe! He got in touch with Barrister H.G.Advani who extended full support to him. He also got support of generous donors Mr.Lokumal Kishinchand and Mr.T. Murli of M/s Kishinchand Chellaram and Mr. J.Watumull but of whose timely help his dream of starting the college in Bombay may have been delayed some more years. We should be grateful to Barrister H.G.Advani, Founder President of the Collegiate Board, as he spared no efforts to arrange these donations for the college and for his guidance and encouragement. As a matter of fact, with his determined efforts and touching approach to the University authorities Late Principal Vidyasagar K.M.Kundnani succeeded in starting our first college at Bandra from June 1949. It was against heavy odds that he successfully overcame the hurdles and succeeded in fulfilling his voluntary commitment to his colleagues in Hyderabad in 1947.
After extensive search, a plot was located in the suburban outskirts of Bandra and was procured on lease of 99 years. In August 1948, the construction started at an incessant pace and within six months the structure was ready to allow the college to function from June 1949. Thus, Rishi Dayanand National College made its debut in Bandra. Principal K.M.Kundnani and Barrister H.G.Advani, who helped in tapping sponsors, donations, were two founding fathers and pillars of the chain of institutes of higher learning in and around Mumbai. Both these great men provided the institution direction and leadership throughout their lives.
With limited funds, Principal Kundnani took over both the nitty gritty as well as the mighty task of constructing yet another college within the record time of six months in June 1954 i.e. K.C. College at Churchgate. Thereafter there was no looking behind and the Board expanded its network of colleges in succession encompassing wide-ranging discipline of Arts, Science, Commerce, Education, Engineering, Management, Polytechnics, Pharmacy and Law, besides some Primary, Secondary and Higher Secondary Schools.

First three decades after its relocation in India were utilized in institution building and consolidation. By this time, a significant number of changes in the economy had their repercussion on education. Globalization and liberalization had by early nineties altered the outlook. There were number of significant changes in the overall leadership of the Board. It was time to bid sad farewell to the founding fathers, Barrister Hotchand Advani and Principal Kundnani breathed their last in 1990 and 1992 respectively. Though the sense of loss was indeed great but their sound planning and foresightedness had provided for an easy transition and the reins were taken over by other young and forward looking members
Time had come when Board found it necessary to open doors of institution to the fast blowing winds of change. Guided by this philosophy, the Board seriously started looking in to the modernization, globalization, consolidation and expansion of its programs. Thus number of vocational courses were introduced, international linkages with a number of foreign universities of great repute were taken up by having tie up programs i.e. Faculty and students exchange programs were introduced. Thereby providing opportunity specially to students to study a part of their course in any of these foreign universities and get Degree from there. HSNC Board founded in Bombay in 1949 is a registered charitable Trust under the Bombay Public Trust Act (1958) and also under Societies Act (1860).
Late Vidyasagar Principal K.M.Kundnani was strong supporter of “Earning & Learning”. He fought for the working students to continue with morning colleges particularly during the year 1964 and with support of Late Prof.A.N.Namjoshi and other social reformers, he succeeded in restoration of morning classes. As result of this faculty, brilliant scholars who had no means to continue or could not afford to continue higher education without a job got an opportunity and acquired very high positions in various fields including Reserve Bank of India. Even one faculty member Dr.Oza of Economics Department rose to the position of Deputy Governor of Reserve Bank of India. Prof. Narwani also from the Economics Department reached the position of Planning Commission membership, Government of India. Mr.Anil Ambani of Reliance Industries Ltd and subsequently the Chairman of demerged companies passed B.Sc. (Hons.) with Principal Chemistry from here. Many other Alumni have secured very high positions in the country as well as in the foreign countries around the Globe. The Board did not forget its obligation to its community and also the rural area like Ulhasnagar as it was in 1960. The Board acquired 16 acres of land just opposite Ulhasnagar Station. The Military Barracks were vacated by the British Troops after the independence of India. Late Mr.Meherchand Khanna who was Rehabilitation Minister in Government of India allotted this plot to the Board for educational purpose. We had again several difficulties for starting the degree college in the campus as Poona University rules did not permit two colleges within the 5 k.m. radius and New Era School and R.K.Talreja College had already been in the same camp in Ulhasnagar. Somehow or the other, Late Vidyasagar Principal K.M.Kundnani’s efforts did succeed and with the donation of Late Shri Gangaram Mansukhani In the loving memory of his mother, Smt.Chandibai Himathmal Mansukhani College was started in June 1965 within four year of acquiring the plot in 1961. Today, the college has the highest enrolment in any single college in the State of Maharashtra i.e. over 12,000 students. Today, Ulhasnagar is no more a rural area. It is a decent town. The Board looking in to need of the day and to fully utilize the huge premises of the CHM College have established three new Colleges there having degree courses in Pharmacy, Law and Management.
From November 2003, the reins of the Board are in the hands of four dynamic Trustees, very forward looking having their own vision and mission. They believe in taking swift but judicious decisions and execute them also expeditiously and efficiently.
Mr. Niranjan Hiranandani, B.Com,FCA, Trustee and Present President, for the colleges under HSNC Board, he is an architect of transformation which was initiated under his leadership and which has become an on going pursuit today.
Mr. Kishu H Mansukhani, Trustee and Immediate Past President of the Board, is a graduate in Mechanical Engineering and Management from USA. He worked as CEO with Tata Group for 25 years. Presently, he is actively involved in social, educational and humanitarian work.
Mr.Anil Harish, Trustee and the Past President of the Board, LLM from Miami, USA, is one of leading Advocates dealing with Real Estate, International Investments, Corporate Law and Taxation. Mr. Anil Harish is occasionally invited to give talks on alike matters all over the world. His Persona is his soft spoken approach. He believes in giving space to people to work independently while expecting accountability from institutions under the Board.
Dr.L.H.Hiranandani, Patron Trustee, is the world renowned ENT Surgeon. He is a role model for the young generation specially associated with HSNC Board. His greatest gift to the society is his crucial role in establishing of Seth AJB Municipal ENT Hospital in Mumbai. It was his efforts that the Municipality managed to secure a huge heritage building in the heart of Mumbai for the hospital. He was the driving force in starting of 14 private medical colleges in Maharashtra. He has been actively associated with various University Committees, besides being nominated on number of Medical Committees. He has contributed immensely for 20 orations and awards in the field of ENT and in starting of Primary and Secondary ICSE schools by Hiranandani Foundation, besides writing for National & International Medical Journals. He has won number of prestigious awards i.e. Padma Shree in 1972, Dhanwanti Award in 1988, Maulana Azad Award in 1993 to name just a few.
To shoulder the responsibilities and to deal with day to day administration of such a huge organization, the trustees have appointed Prof. J.K.Bhambhani as Rector and Secretary of the Board.
Prof.Bhambhani is associated with Board since 1982. Prof.Bhambhani became Secretary of the Board in 1991 and after the sad demise of Prin.Kundnani he became Rector & Secretary of the Board.
The Trustees have their own vision & mission. Particularly, Dr.Hiranandani has gone all out to ensure that the higher & technical education reaches not only to every Sindhi of Ulhasnagar but other local population as well. Further, those students who are economically less fortunate should have access to education in Ulhasnagar itself. This new team of four trustees along with Prof.Bhambhani, believe in taking swift but judicious decisions and execute them also expeditiously and efficiently. Three new Degree Colleges have been started within spam of two years is the outcome of this begin leadership and determination.
Today the HSNC Board is managing and administrating 27 institutes. All the Colleges under the Board are affiliated to University of Mumbai, are approved by the State Government and recognized by AICTE and Bar Council of India, as the case may be.
As is the need of the day, HSNC Board is promoting interaction with industry to upgrade Post Graduate and Research facilities which give credibility to our performance and results for consultancy. Special attention is also being given to placements and campus interviews.
It will be in the fitness of things to highlight the fact that the Board has fought a long drawn out constitutional battle up to the level of the Supreme Court of India since 1993 to 2005 to protect the rights of our Sindhi linguistic minority guaranteed by the Article 30(i) of the Constitution of India. HSNC Board has succeeded in getting the same.
In early 70s, Late Mr.Dharamdas Khatri of Model High School in Sukkuar (Sindh) who contributed a lot to the school education even after the partition approached HSNC Board to take over all his Schools. The Board however, reluctantly accepted the offer since till then the Board was only managing colleges and was not involved with School education. However, Late Mr.Dharamdas succeeded in persuading our then President and Secretary Late Barrister Hotchand Advani and Late Vidyasagar Principal K.M.Kundnani respectively to accede to his request as he was at the terminal stage of his life. Since then we have been running these schools well and developing them from time to time.
Upgradation of the infrastructure of all buildings under the Board is an ongoing process. Board has not only thought of academics, sports and other activities but also of re-creation and relaxation for the students and teachers by way of providing facility of a Holiday Home at Lonavala in the serine and quiet atmosphere of a small hill station, very near to Mumbai, at Lonavala.
………………………………In Short HSNC Board Imbibes:
Simple living High thinking
Global reach of power of Knowledge while being firmly ground
Respect for environment & importance of ethics in all walks of life
To outshine in all endeavors at the same time reaching new heights
To bring in revolutionary system of education with the new dawn,
spreading light of wisdom
To enrich ones life making the world a better place.
A task well begun is a job half done. HSNC Board had expanded its network of colleges in quick succession, encompassing wide-ranging disciplines of Arts, Science, Commerce, Management, Education, Pharmacy, Engineering and Law. The colleges thus established are:
R. D. National College & W. A. Science College, Bandra |
June, 1949 |
Kishinchand Chellaram College, Churchgate |
June, 1954 |
Kishinchand Chellaram Law College, Churchgate |
June, 1955 |
Hassaram Rijhumal College of Commerce and Economics, Churchgate |
June, 1960 |
K. C. College of Management Studies, Churchgate |
June, 1960 |
Smt. Mithibai Motiram Kundnani College of Commerce and Economics, Bandra |
June, 1961 |
Smt. Chandibai Himathmal Mansukhani College, Ulhasnagar |
June, 1965 |
Bombay Teachers’ Training College, Colaba |
June, 1969 |
Prin. K. M. Kundnani College of Pharmacy, Cuffe Parade |
June, 1971 |
Prin. K. M. Kundnani Pharmacy Polytechnic, Ulhasnagar |
June, 1971 |
Gopaldas Jhamatmal Advani Law College, Bandra |
September, 1977 |
Watumull Institute of Electronics Engineering & Computer Technology, Worli |
November, 1981 |
Thadomal Shahani Engineering College, Bandra |
October, 1983 |
Dr. L. H. Hiranandani College of Pharmacy, Ulhasnagar |
August, 2004 |
Nari Gursahani Law College, Ulhasnagar |
August, 2004 |
Hashmatrai & Gangaram Himathmal Mansukhani Institute of Management, Ulhasnagar |
August, 2005 |
In 1980, the Board sought Linguistic Minority status under Article 30{1} of the Constitution of India. The first three decades after its relocation in India were utilized in institution building and consolidation. But this time, a significant number of changes in the economy were bound to have their repercussions on education. Globalisation and liberalization had by the early nineties altered the entire praxis. By this time also, there were a number of significant changes in the internal as well as the overall leadership of the institutions of the Board.
It was time to bid farewell to the founding members. Barrister Hotchand Advani died on 9th May, 1991 followed by Principal Kundnani who succumbed to a heart attack on 7th November, 1992. The sense of loss was indeed great but sound planning had provided for an easy transition. Oxford educated Barrister Ashok H. Advani took over reigns as succeeding President of the HSNC Board while Prof J. K. Bhambhani became its Rector and Secretary. After this transition in the nineties several changes came to the fore. With his dynamic leadership Barrister Advani Jr. sensing the global mood, found it necessary to open the doors of the institutions to the winds of change.
He often quoted M.K. Gandhi’s words in his addresses to the staff spread across several colleges to drive home the message that an international exposure for his staff and students was really the need of the hour: “Be the change that you want to see in the world” he said. “Open up your doors and windows, let the winds blow through, but don’t let it sweep you off your feet.” Several international exchanges, visits, tie-ups and programmes were initiated during 1995 to 2003 with as many as 50 faculty members travelling abroad through sponsorship of HSNC Board.
Guided by this philosophy, HSNC Board has been actively forming collaborations and tie-ups with some of the major universities of the world. Like Deakin University, Australia and Union College, New York. These collaborations are aimed to mutually benefit both the institutions through exchange of students and faculty.
A new era commenced with Mr. Niranjan Hiranandani becoming the President of the HSNC Board in November, 2003. An illustrious son of an illustrious father, Mr. Hiranandani proved that he was a builder par excellence as he left no stone unturned to see that the HSNC Board marched ahead on its journey of education under his able guidance and encouragement, each of the premier institutions of the HSNC Board has grown, developed and become a prestigious name to be reckoned with.
Ms. Manju J. Nichani, Principal, K. C. College, took over as the Secretary of HSNC Board in June 2006. She has given a new direction to the activities of HSNC Board. Her dynamism and untiring efforts have led the institutions to grow from strength to strength. HSNC Board continues to have the support and guidance of Prof. J. K. Bhambhani who functions as the Rector.
Mr. Anil Harish became the President in June 2007. He is one of the leading legal experts and a Partner in D. M. Harish & Co. and advises on matters relating to taxation, property transactions, and the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act. Even though he is a very busy man yet he ensures that he is available at all the times for the various activities of the Board. A soft spoken man he puts in unstinting efforts to the betterment of the academics and other activities.
From June 2010 Mr. Kishu Hashmatrai Mansukhani has taken over as the President of the Hyderabad (Sind) National Collegiate Board. Mr. Mansukhani has been associated with the Board as its Member since 1974. He was Vice President of HSNC Board from 2003 to 2010. He is a graduate in Mechanical Engineering and Management Studies from U.S.A. He had long career of nearly 30 years with Tata Group where he occupied senior positions with them in India and U.S.A. As President of the Board, Mr. Mansukhani’s efforts have been to inculcate the ethics, the values, the culture achieved by him through his experience while working with esteemed Tata Group. Mr. Mansukhani’s family’s help particularly with the generosity of Shri Gangaram, his paternal uncle, who was also member of the HSNC Board, 16.5 acres of land was purchased for the Collegiate Board for establishment of Chandibai Himathmal Mansukhani (CHM) College and the CHM Campus at Ulhasnagar. Due to the generous contribution of his family, the Board named two of its schools after their families, namely, Smt. Kishnibai Sitaldas Punwani Jai Hind Academy High School & Jr. College and Master Sitaldas Punwani Tutorial High School and two Colleges i.e. Smt. Chandibai Himathmal Mansukhani College and Hashmatrai & Gangaram Himathmal Mansukhani Institute of Management.
The approach that the Management adopts towards the staff is one of caring support. A holiday home is maintained at Lonavala for the recreational use of the faculty members, students and their families.
Presently, HSNC Board is looking seriously into the modernisation, consolidation and expansion of its programmes. Educationists, education administrators and management experts form an advisory team who advise the HSNC Board and have drawn up vision 2020.
Hyderabad (Sind) National Collegiate Board, comprising its members, faculty, staff and students has a glorious vision – a vision that will propel it onwards. “To be at the frontline of human knowledge and work towards the fulfillment of cultural, scientific, intellectual and humane needs of society in general and students in particular; to enrich and enhance the economic vitality and quality of life, while being firmly rooted in the rich Indian ethos and belief.”
The Hyderabad (Sind) National Collegiate Board is one of the oldest minority institutions in India, having been founded in 1948. It imparts a broad, balanced as well as professional education to students. The Board believes that education is an ongoing process of revelation and re-interpretation that leads to a rapturous growth of the individual.
- To help students to form an understanding and appreciation of the complex world and to help them realize their actual intellectual, physical and social potential, to the fullest.
- To prepare a new generation of skilled and ethical professionals by providing excellent academic programmes having a strong practical slant, so as to help individuals excel in a highly competitive world market.
- To offer innovative, hands-on skills and instill in students an orientation towards research through constant interactions with public and private organizations within India and abroad.
- Through academic, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, to produce leaders who are capable of leading from the front, leaders who don’t only adapt rapidly to change around them but also activate change for others to follow.
- To emphasize high quality at the undergraduate, post-graduate and professional levels by leading and dedicated academicians and faculty.
- To introduce healthy, state of the art teaching practices by organizing faculty development programmes.
- To further the cause of the linguistic minority – Sindhis – so that they remain at the forefront of all developmental activities in the country without in any way diluting the multi-cultural ethos of a pluralistic, secular society.
- To maintain a united, focused and effective internal governance so that each college understands and fulfills the mission of the Board and realizes its vision.
The Trustees, Executive Committee, Principals, Staff and Students of the HSNC Board are dedicated towards accomplishing this mission and pledge their individual and collective efforts in determining that the Board shall continue to be among the prominent institutions of higher education throughout the world.