Pharmacology is the science which deals with the study of drugs. The word ‘Pharmacology’ is derived from the Greek words Pharmakon (a drug or poison) and logos (discourse). It broadly covers the information about the history, source, physiochemical properties, physiological actions, mechanism of action, pharmacokinetics, therapeutic uses and toxicity profile of the drugs.
Research in Pharmacology
Experimental Pharmacology is relatively the youngest branch of basic medical sciences. The advancements in the field of electrophysiology, biochemistry, molecular biology, electronic recording systems and softwares have enriched and broadened the horizons of experimental pharmacology.
Departmental Research Activities:
The departmental staff is engaged in various collaborative and University approved minor research projects. This research work is routinely presented at various national and international symposias and published in reputed national as well as international journals. The major research interests of department include:
1. Screening of synthetic drugs as well as phytochemicals for pharmacological action.
2. Development of herbal formulation/Ayurveda preparation suitable for human use.
3. Study of toxicity profile of medicinal plants (herbal extracts/drugs) and synthetic drugs.
4. Pharmacokinetic studies
5. Drug interactions.
The Pharmacology department is equipped with two laboratories and an spacious animal house facility for conduct of teaching and research activities. The departmental animal house is approved by CPCSEA ((committee for the purpose of supervision and experimentation on animals), New Delhi. We also have student physiograph for invitro tissue preparation needed to conduct research in pharmacology. Different charts and models are also available and are used for clarifying basic.
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